Mankato Composite Squadron
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Chain of Command

Cadet Command Staff

The Cadet Command Staff is made up of members who have been selected due to showing maturity, a sense of responsibility, a knowledge of the Cadet Program, and are willing to serve a vital role in the Mankato Composite Squadron. The Cadet Command Staff consists of the Flight Sergeants, Flight Commanders, First Sergeant, Executive Officer, Deputy Cadet Commander, and the Cadet Commander. Cadets can also serve as support staff which include positions such as, Public affairs officer, Logistics officer, Aerospace officer, and Cadet Webmaster.

Alpha Flight

    Alpha Flight is made up of members who have either graduated from Encampment or have met all of their objectives in Bravo Flight. The purpose of Alpha is to provide advanced training to these cadets consisting of leadership skills, how to lead in drill and PT, class and speech development, problem solving skills, and how to actively serve in their staff position role for the betterment of the squadron. This is the first opportunity that Cadets have in a staff position role in the squadron. These staff positions not only help in the efficiency of the squadron, but also gives experience to cadets that will be beneficial for their future. Alpha's chain of command consists of their Flight Sergeant, First Sergeant, Executive Officer, and Cadet Commander.


Bravo Flight

    Bravo Flight is made up of Cadet members and prospective Cadets. The purpose of Bravo Flight is to learn the knowledge required to start a base for their Civil Air Patrol future. Their training consists of drilling, how to follow, ground team training, customs and courtesies, Civil Air Patrol History, and various other courses. One of the best ways that Cadets can excel in Civil Air Patrol is by joining with a friend. This creates motivation and a way to train outside of the weekly meetings. Cadets that exemplify the Cadet Oath have the opportunity to become element leaders in their flight. Their chain of command consists of their Flight Sergeant, First Sergeant, Deputy Cadet Commander, and  Cadet Commander.


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